Accelerate Your Practice

Perfect for therapists at any stage seeking to create a thriving, fulfilling private practice that not only aligns with their personal and professional aspirations, but also generates a meaningful impact and ensures a consistently full roster of clients.

Accelerate Your Private Practice

The comprehensive coaching program for mental health practitioners seeking to master the business of private practice, establish a steady stream of ideal clients, and gain the freedom to practice on their terms, without compromising their passion for helping others.

  • Total payment
  • 1xAccelerate Your Practice$2994

All prices in CAD

** Cancellations/Refunds We are not able to offer any refunds or cancellations for any reason, including withdrawals, non-participation, or extended time away. Your monthly autopay does automatically end after 6 cycles and we cannot cancel your membership for you. You are not able to pause your membership.

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About 1 year ago I started building my private practice with the support of the BYPP programs. I have to say it’s been one of the most fulfilling career decisions I’ve ever made. Reflecting on the past year, I’m really feeling a lot of appreciation for the coaches and for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful community of professionals. I felt supported in the weekly meetings during my time in the Scale Your Practice Program and found that using the weekly, monthly, and annual planning worksheets helped me to set reasonable goals. Looking back on the past year, I’ve been able to fulfill over 90% of the annual goals I set early in 2022. Through the coaching and peer support received I was also able decrease the unhelpful pressure I put on myself to succeed and shift that energy into building the kind of business that works for my life. BYPP coaches and peers really understand the balance of helping others while building a successful business and I certainly benefitted from their encouragement and expertise.

Alyssa Koenderink BSC
MACP, RP Owner and Operator of Natural Self Psychotherapy Services